Steal My 2025 Journal Prompts

As someone who enjoys writing, I always have a few notebooks on the go. Although I do not force my self to stick with it, I always do some journaling to ring in the new year. It usually focuses on my vision for the upcoming year and some reflecting on the past one.

This year I’m doing things a bit differently. Here are my journal prompts as we head into the new year, I’d love if you take them and use them for yourself too!

1. What can I do add more joy and fun to my life?

That’s right, we are jumping right in with one that isn’t about reflection or vision, but about how we can enjoy our life more! For me I’ll be carving out some time specifically for gardening, saying yes to fun things that may scare me and spending a lot more time off social media.

2. What is one bold goal I’ve been hesitant to pursue and why?

As you may have noticed, I like bold goals. Like the 50 customs and 10k goals I’ve set over the past few years. Sometimes I hit them, sometimes I don’t, but the effort to get to the goal is where I learn the most whether I hit it or not.

Now you can simply write out your biggest goal EVER and keep it to yourself, or share it with some people who you know will support you.

When I shared my 10K goal, I was so scared to be judged as greedy, it held me back on promoting it a lot. Then one day, when it was finished, one of my lovely clients stopped by to pick up a custom piece and shared her thoughts with me. She said she was shocked when she saw that goal and thought wow that is huge, how awesome would it be if she hit it.

There was no wow that’s a big greedy goal, only the hope that I hit it or got close to it! That’s the kind of support you need to find for your big goals my friend. Sometimes strangers support us more than our friends, so don’t feel bad if you keep yours to yourself.

I have no idea what my big goal is for this year yet… Maybe shipping to different countries? Getting into more stores? I’ll let you know once I figure it out!

3. What experiences or adventures do I want to have in 2025?

Prompts 1 and 2 should make this one easy for you. Be bold and add in exactly what you want to experience and where you want to adventure.

4. What does my ideal work life balance look like?

This one is important for all of us, whether you work as an employee, manage employees or run a business. Talking about an ideal work life balance is a hard one for me. I want to work as much as I can so that I can grow as much as I can, but if I look back at some of the things that make me happy and bring more joy to my life - it isn’t work.

Write out exactly what your ideal work life balance is - this will be a great one to look back on in the future as a reminder.

And that’s it!

No pressure, not too much reflecting, just focusing on what I can do to bring more happiness into my everyday. I think we can be waaaay to hard on ourselves at this time of year. We know what we need to work on in both a personal and business sense by now, we don’t need to spend time ignoring the good things to only focus on the ways we ‘failed’. Do you have any journal prompts you love? Share them with me in the comments!

I hope 2025 if filled with the best of the best for all of us.

Thanks again for popping my the blog and giving this a read! I don’t really know what I’m doing here, I’m just winging it and enjoying all of it!

Happy New Year Friends!


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