Steal My Journal Prompts for February...

Ah February, the month of all things LOVE. I don't know about you, but I'm not feeling too lovey as we head into this month of love. This past January was a tough one, so I wanted to share the journal prompts I'm using for myself for this month.

1. With January behind you, how do you really feel about this new year so far?

Don't hold back friends, if your month was anything like mine it was a rough start. This is the time to dump out your thoughts on the past month - be honest and true to yourself.

2. What are your intentions for February? Map out your action steps.

We should probably be doing this one for every month honestly. Pick up to 3 intentions that are realistic. They can be a stretch goal, but don't let yourself be disappointed if you don't hit these goal, these are simply intentions and how you can stay on track.

3. What does February mean to you?

For me February is when I really get to business on my goals, it's time to take action. It's also the month where I start some of my favourite flower seeds for the garden and take a little extra enjoyment in the sunrise and sunset. It's also a month that reminds me to give my relationships (not just romantic) the attention they deserve. I'm not really a Valentine's Day girl, so this month is more about love, respect and kindness for me

4. What does love mean to you?

Can we really talk about February with out talking about love? What does love actually mean to you, not just romantic love but platonic love and self love too... What does it look like?

5. Complete this sentence, I feel most loved when I am...

This one is making me really think too, it's okay. Remember, be honest - you aren't showing these to anyone unless you want to.

6. What do you love about yourself?

When I was in elementary school, this was a question that was asked at each of my therapy appointments. What do you love about yourself? I wasn't allowed to say nothing and I had to say why I loved that thing. I had very low self-esteem so this always was hard and made me think. I remember the first time I had to answer, we sat in silence until I finally said my eyes because they are both blue and green. From there I learnt to love my curly hair, my smile, my nose, my laugh and so many other things. Don't skip this one!


7. Positive Affirmations for this Month

Here are some affirmations that I think suit this month.

I am surrounded by love in all forms.

I am worthy of receiving all of the love, wealth and success that I desire.

I am enough.

Everyday I am becoming a better version of myself.


8. What are some magical things in my daily life that bring me joy?

Okay this is one of my favourites. There are so many little, magical things that bring me joy everyday - even on the hard ones. It can be so easy to get swallowed up by the negatives on hard days, but reminding myself of the little things I love and enjoy is what keeps me from spiraling. 

For me this looks like pretty pink winter sunrises, when Jelly Belly the tiny pig runs up to greet me in the morning for scratches, snuggles with my dogs, when I take the time to make a good latte, etc.

I hope you are able to come up with a list of mundane magic you enjoy too!




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